Sunday, February 21, 2010


I've been running all through my life. Running towards a goal, something that will supposedly add meaning and significance to my life. But as I reached it, I noticed that my goal transcended into something bigger. So, the journey wasn't over! Through these 3 years "THE GOAL" shifted from being Class rep, to Exec rep, to getting GP, to being nominated, to winning, to getting best outgoing of dept...and then? Best outgoing of college?

Ok so I'm college president. And I am mostly getting the GP this year. SO? So what? This time... I'm not going to run anymore. "Best Outgoing student" awards don't matter.

Why do we run so much? I remember reading in a Reader's Digest edition that when compared to running, jogging is much more effective.

So my message to you all today is- Stop running....start jogging!

Insane? No! Running only makes you exhausted... jogging keeps your energy until the end.
When we run we're so blind to the road. We might trip and fall, because we're not looking down. We're too fast, and the journey is just a blur to us. We don't see the other people in our way, we're oblivious to their presence because we're only looking at the finish line!

Life's not a race! Life's about the journey...not the destination.

So find your own pace, one that you're comfortable with. And start jogging. Smile at the people in your way, and enjoy every moment of your journey.

Cause it's worth it.

Life's too short to just walk slowly through....but it's also too beautiful to just run through!

Monday, February 8, 2010

An ode to someone wonderful

Dear God,

It's been a while hasn't it? Since I acknowledged that that voice in my head...was you.
You're always there. When I'm good, bad, happy, that's cliched.

Let me stray.

All those times I needed to get things did them for me. Those OAT's we hadn't prepared became my quick thinking.
Those people I had forgotten to inform about important became their mild temper.
And those scheming, you became my smooth words!

This entire year when I've been acting only for kept me company.

Yes, no body is perfect and I stand testament to that. And you soiled yourself by merging into my unclean self....I love you for that. Nobody else would give up God status to become part human, lol.

Are you my soul then? The proof of non-duality? I hope not.
Because I want you to be me, mind, body and soul.

I know you share my pain. There, we're treading on the cliches again.
Let me start again.

Your presence has made me quite impervious to pain. Thank you.
Thank you for healing me in seconds. I know it mightn't have been quite easy for you to bend nature's process of emotions for me.
But then, maybe you aren't bending anything, are you.
You're just enhancing the wonderful cycle of Karma that I so strongly respect you for creating.
What better way to let us, humans, to be in charge of our own lives? You're truly wonderful.

Thank you for giving me anger and a sharp tongue when I find things I'm unable to express. You aren't a Goody-two-shoes, I have to give you that ;)

And thank you for letting me see, in my own way how everything turned out only the way I allowed it to turn out.
I trust you so much, and I know you will punish all those who have wronged me.
I feel sorry that they don't quite understand you like I do.

Whats the point of worshipping idols, symbols and reading "holy" passages? Performing sacred rites, cleansing our body and being abstinent?
You created me the way you wanted me to be, and you want me to be me and not something else.
For perfection you have yourself, and it must be tiring for you to see that all the time. You made me so that I can be your fun, your little video game where you can be imperfect and face some trials, atleast once in a while.

What is the point of religion, "good character", morals, societal norms, dress codes, fancy prayers and holy books, when I know that all I need is to feel your presence to know you exist.

No proof, no form, no body, no astounding feats, no face to relate you with, no name, no gender, no age and definitely no history, none whatsoever, to know that your greatest miracle is life in itself, the journey from you, and back to you, through you and with you...the greatest joy is to travel with you, from you, to you, and through you.... feel you throughout....within me.

I do not need a channel or a community to know you for who you are- a faceless, nameless beautiful wonderful thing that I cannot term a person, spirit or energy, because you are infinite and encompass all things definable.

Oh god, if I start talking about you, I will never stop, you know that.

All those little and big things that you've done, to reaffirm your presence in me makes me giggle. You truly are mischievous aren't you :) Just like Robin Hood got a thrill stealing from the rich to help the poor, you get a thrill stealing from life and giving unto me.

You don't make miracles. You are the miracle. And this whole universe, sitting within you, along with me, this ugly world and the rest of the idiots who ruin my day, is nothing compared to your immensity. You bring meaning to my everyday, because as each second passes, I know I am going closer to the purpose you have in mind for me, closer to the experiences you have in store for me. And I trust you. Completely.

Dear god,
Thank you for being with me.....and please do continue being by my side forever.

Mon dieu!

Somewhere in the midst of searching frantically
Welcoming people, then seeing them off....I forgot

Somewhere in the midst of sound checks, hanging banners
Surveying stalls and pacing around..... I forgot

Somewhere in the midst of following orders, then giving them
A million thoughts in my head and equally many people to thank.... I forgot

I forgot to thank you, my God.
For the wonderful day I had- only because of you.

And all these days I was proud of myself
But now I see
I'm only....proud of you.

For Dhwani 2009, and you.

Ce qui est cela?

We've forgotten

How to wait
After those packed schedules

How to miss
After those Skype conversations

How to savour
After those 2 minute noodles

How to laugh aloud
After those "LOL's"

How to express
After those animated smileys

How to think
After those "spell-check"s

How to tolerate
After those instant-relief pills

But most of all,
We've forgotten

How to love

In the midst of those stupid romantic forwards, kissing smileys, floating hearts on a computer screen, "luv u 4evr", web-cameras, customized hello tunes, unlimited SMSes and rate cutters,

We've forgotten

How to exchange a subtle look
or to feel your heart skip a beat
after the ring of a long awaited call
or even read something beautiful
and rememeber somebody

We've forgotten

The warmth of a smile
The softness of a touch

How to hold someone
and speak of love
without a sound.